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Recent content by BoostN

  1. BoostN

    New Member

    Welcome to the forum!
  2. BoostN

    1st time diesel owner

    Welcome to the community!
  3. BoostN

    New Member 2022 Ram ecoDiesel owner

    Welcome, @TC Diesel is right.. you get a get one, or a bad one.
  4. BoostN

    New member

    Welcome to the forum!
  5. BoostN

    Purchasing scan tool / 2019 ram classic

    Edge Insight CTS2, INNOVA 5160rs from AutoZone, alphaOBD are just a few I know..
  6. BoostN

    Site Outage Today (Saturday, 11/30)

    Hello all, Our host provider had an outage today that lasted about 13 hours. We had to restore to a different server, with that said, we lost about 12 hours of data. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we're now back! Please post here if you have any issues. :cool:
  7. BoostN

    New to group

    Welcome! Love the silver, one of my favorite colors!
  8. BoostN

    New to this

    Shawn did one (RIP Shawn):
  9. BoostN

    New Guy.

    Welcome @tinker007 !
  10. BoostN

    New guy

    Welcome, glad to have you here! Remember, happy wife = happy life. :D
  11. BoostN

    New Group Member out of Utah

    Welcome! We're glad to have you here!
  12. BoostN


    If you search the code on this site, most answer result in a DEF Tank heater issue. Welcome to the forum.
  13. BoostN

    3.0 eco diesel jeep 2015

    Welcome, post the codes an hopefully some here can help.
  14. BoostN

    New owner

    Welcome, we're glad to have you!
  15. BoostN

    2014 ECO 3.0 GRRR

    Welcome... you'll need to pull the codes and post them here for us to be able to offer any kind of help.