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Search results

  1. BartJP

    New to the Group - my name is Bart

    2016 Ram eco diesel ...limped over Lolo Pass with Electronic Throttle Control warning...Then Exhaust Filter 100% Full...limped into the RV site...truck now stuck at the Dodge Ram dealer waiting for parts that evidently are not available and cost $5000. Any suggestions???
  2. BartJP

    HI all ....new to this forum. I am stuck in Butte Montana....2016 Ram EcoDiesel coming over Lolo Pass got the Check Engine light and the Electronic

    2016 Ram EcoDiesel coming over Lolo Pass got the Check Engine light and the Electronic Thottle Control Control. Managed to limb over the pass with no power. Then Exhaust Filter 100% Full - See Dealer. Managed to take it to the Dodge dealer now waiting for them to look at it but they tell me it...