I ordered mine from Auto LED. They're a company up in Canada. They don't have a website but they are very quick to answer via email 24/7. Braden is the guy. He uses FB for the company and you can find him there or the email is [email protected]
I have no connection to this company...
I love my BedRug. This is the 3rd truck I've had one in. I've hauled, wood, truck bed full of dirt, pallets of grass.... you name it. Brush it out then head to the car wash and wash it out...done. I even stained my last one a small spot caused from sooted up oil leaking from my container on...
I've done a JackRabbit retractable bed cover, the Mopar version of the BedRug, LED fogs, lows & high beams (no modifications to the housings or covers). N-Fab nerf bars & a 1.5" leveling kit.
The high beams are unbelievable. The fog lights are unbelievable. The low beams are definitely an...