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2017 Ram 1500 Nightmare - Dealer is Clueless!

Jul 27, 2024
Truck Year
Hey guys, I'm at my wit's end. My '17 Ram 1500's high-pressure fuel pump gave out. At least it's fixable, right? Wrong! Replacing the pump meant new injectors too. Cool, done deal. But then the nightmare began.
The dealer had my truck for six months trying to get it running. Six months! They couldn't figure out what was wrong. Finally, I had enough and pulled it out of there.
Took it to a real mechanic who's actually trying to figure things out. Turns out the dealer had all the codes wrong and there's even a missing code they need. Apparently, this missing code is on some tear tag and is the key to getting the truck started. The only problem is, it isn't legible.
Has anyone else dealt with this? I'm about ready to sell my truck for scrap. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Aug 30, 2018
Truck Year
Sounds like it could be injector codes. If that is what the dealer is referring to, each of your old injectors had a specific code to be programmed into the computer. Changing the injectors means a new set of codes. If the tag that was on the injector can't be read, that would cause an issue.