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2019 Ram 2500. DPF assembly … Hi I’m new


New Member
Aug 23, 2024
Truck Year
I’m trying to get Chrysler to pay for my $2400 repair bill for the DPF assembly. This is ridiculous. I had “exhaust filter full” pop up on my dash. Took it to my local dealer and this is the result. I have researched and found “special extended warranty details” online. I have it printed out. It clearly states the DPF assembly is covered but upon researching other sites it says it isnt unless it caused damaged
What can anyone tell me about this
Thanks Missi


New Member
Aug 25, 2024
Truck Year
Welcome aboard. It is frustrating when something like the DPF gives out, especially on a newer truck. If your printed warranty details state the DPF assembly is covered, I would push that hard with Chrysler. In some cases, it depends on the damage it causes and how it’s reported. My own experience with the DPF was similar, and I found that keeping up with regular regen cycles and using good-quality diesel fuel helped prevent future issues. Always document everything and try to catch potential issues early to avoid costly repairs.


New Member
Sep 12, 2019
Truck Year
Good luck with battle with Chrysler Customer Care. I had no luck even with the extended warranty. I tried the stationary de-soot process and it worked for a couple of weeks than I got the warning that it needed to be done again. It was very frustrating to the point that with all the problems I had with the eco diesel I decided not to be a eco diesel owner any more. The Customer care never did care and was up to 10k worth of repairs. So I am done.