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Alternator Failure and Replacement


Staff member
Feb 15, 2019
Truck Year
Just wanted to shed some insight on my latest issue with a no start condition!

Went away for vacation, so I parked the truck in the yard and enjoyed the beach. Came back a few days later and went to start the truck, would crank over a half turn, and stop. Well common sense said charge the battery. Charged it over the day and pulled charger before bed. Go out Friday to move it and same thing. Drop in a new battery and same thing so I order a starter. Wait a week for it to come in, installed it and same story. Fearing the crank was gone(it ran when parked) I removed the crank pully cover and attempted to turn the engine over by hand. I was unable to turn the engine the proper direction, but was able to turn it backwards. After more digging around online and losing sleep, I pulled the belt today and truck fired right up with no accessories. Further examination, I found the alternator seized up tight but the pully on the alternator will allow it to turn backwards!!

it took about a half hour to pull the alternator. You’ll need a 10mm to unhook the battery, a 15mm socket and wrench for the tensioner, a 13mm socket wrench in deep well, shallow, and a ratcheting box end for alternator removal, about 16” of extension to remove the alternators top two bolts, and it’s not a terrible job. New one should be in tomorrow.

While I’m in there I’m going to sand and clean all connectors going to it as my ground and power both looked rough.

thanks for the read!
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