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Lost with my 2015 RAM😡


New Member
Dec 9, 2021
Truck Year
Not sure what I can do anymore.... I've had this truck since 2018 and I've had a bunch of problems from 2 EGR's replaced to an intake manifold replaced ECU reprogrammed glow plugs replaced and last the crank position sensor tone wheel replaced...after the tone wheel was replaced I drove the truck 50 miles and the engine locked up! It has 99k miles on it and it's always been back to the dealer to be worked on. I spoke to Chrysler to see it they would help with the $15,500 they want to fix it and they told me I'm a year out of warranty but under in miles so they won't help... I don't know what to do at this point. I love this truck when it's running but I don't have that kind of money to fix it... totally lost😞 ..., any advice would be great... thanks

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
177.....I hear and read the same circumstances on the failures over and over again, I cannot understand the reasoning of ownership when the power plant continues to fail and when it pukes out the emotional thought process on LOVE the Truck. Thats the biggest failure on ownership, its well known that the VM 3.0 is problematic in DD used and now its reputation is Hero-Zero Status. Ignoring the VM 3.0 history is just Risky. I even I dumped My 2015, My background on Engine Building and MFG goes back Decades. It's not worth the risk to own any VM.30.

177, Keep on Fiat/Stallantis they may help out, also maybe it's best to just move on, Dump the truck and cut your losses. On the other hand, the engine can be purchased for 6/8K$ American. But remember it comes with the same risk. The best of luck to Ya.


Active Member
Aug 18, 2021
Truck Year
whats really needed is a qualified shop that will rebuild and address the manufacturing weaknesses, offering an aftermarket replacement thats improved on vs OEM.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
We did look at this, Just not enough Market, we are Months out already on certain Builds, so in addition No time to do the engineering and setup.


Active Member
Aug 18, 2021
Truck Year
We did look at this, Just not enough Market, we are Months out already on certain Builds, so in addition No time to do the engineering and setup.
From what I gather, with it being such a big concern, I would think if there was an option many would take it for piece of mind and the shop would do quite well. Like you yourself said so many have a weird love hate relationship with the ecodiesel that they would jump at the opportunity.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
Augiedoggy, I would like to add we need the Manpower for it Also, We have engines coming in each day, plus our commercial business is overwhelmed. Parts availability is shocking on the VM3.0 due to its origin of overseas.