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New Guy.


New Member
Nov 9, 2024
Truck Year
Hi Guys. I’m a retired Steel Fabricator/Welder/Gas fitter with tons of mechanical experience in older cars/trucks. I am hoping that the expertise of this forum will help me with any code issues I get with my ecodiesel.
im working on a P20EE code at present, im using a fuel additive in this engine (always used Lucas products) I will be cleaning the def injector this week as my research shows this would be the first place to start.
your thoughts and comments are welcome. (I may be old but I dont bite)


New Member
Dec 7, 2023
Truck Year
Hi Guys. I’m a retired Steel Fabricator/Welder/Gas fitter with tons of mechanical experience in older cars/trucks. I am hoping that the expertise of this forum will help me with any code issues I get with my ecodiesel.
im working on a P20EE code at present, im using a fuel additive in this engine (always used Lucas products) I will be cleaning the def injector this week as my research shows this would be the first place to start.
your thoughts and comments are welcome. (I may be old but I dont bite)
Both times I have had that code it has been the def injector and entry port being salted over. I used a small steam cleaner to remove the buildup.


Aug 30, 2018
Truck Year
Some observations from my Ecodiesel ownership (168k mi and counting):
- I like and use Lucas products, BUT I have stopped using the fuel additive in my Ecodiesel (still use in gas engines). In short, the EGTs when driving are, apparently, frequently not high enough to fully burn the additive completely, contributing to more soot being produced. This is more noticeable in the winter when things take longer to warm up and the cold air tends to cool the DPF and DCR more. Overall, my regens have reduced greatly since discontinuing use. Instead, I use Howes Diesel Treat and Power Service summer and winter additives along with a little Howes Diesel Defender for extra HPFP lubrication. Another sign supporting my hypothesis is my EGR crossover tube has a good bit less soot build up when I clean it periodically.

-For DEF injector cleaning I use a small steam cleaner to melt away the crystallized build up. If you search "handheld steam cleaner" on Amazon, it gives many choices - look for one around the $35-$40 range. It will make quick work of it. Also, consider using some of the Peak Blue DEF Platinum, it has additives that reduce deposits. I use it 50/50 with regular DEF and haven't had to steam clean in quite some time. Yes, I know, it's 3x the cost, but to me it's worth it not to get under the truck as often.

- Back to Lucas products: I like, use, and recommend their synthetic oil stabilizer. Our Ecodiesels seem to have a higher-than-normal incidence of bearing failure, given with the very sooty, post EPA factory tune, and the thinner 5w-40 oil (as opposed to 15w40), the extra oil film thickness that the additive provides, looks to be beneficial. I had a previous experience with Lucas oil additive that illustrated how well it works. I had a 90's GMC with the 6.5 diesel, the rebuilt engine had about 13k mi on it, running 15w40 conventional oil w/ regular Lucas oil stabilizer, blew an oil cooler line, wasn't able to get it pulled over and shut off for 3-4 min, pulled drain plug - no metal, replaced cooler lines along w/ new oil and filter, same oil pressure and still no metal - engine saved.

- Tuning: It is widely recommended to have your truck tuned to reduce soot, get better MPG, have more power, and longer engine life.