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Nox Sensors - Engine Light


New Member
Sep 10, 2024
Truck Year
Hi. Had the engine light come on, on my 2018 RAM EcoDiesel. The dealership did a regen and then had me drive it on the highway, which I did for over an hour. This was done last night and the truck has not been driven yet and probably won't be until the weekend, it's now Tuesday Sept. 9/24. I was told that if the Engine light comes back on then the NOX sensors would need to be replaced as a next step, perhaps as they were reading incorrectly during regen, per the mechanic's notes on the order. My question is, do I have to replace the NOX sensors right away as it is not cheap, is there harm in not doing so, if I have had no other problems with the truck? Thanks.


New Member
May 26, 2024
Truck Year
Hi. Had the engine light come on, on my 2018 RAM EcoDiesel. The dealership did a regen and then had me drive it on the highway, which I did for over an hour. This was done last night and the truck has not been driven yet and probably won't be until the weekend, it's now Tuesday Sept. 9/24. I was told that if the Engine light comes back on then the NOX sensors would need to be replaced as a next step, perhaps as they were reading incorrectly during regen, per the mechanic's notes on the order. My question is, do I have to replace the NOX sensors right away as it is not cheap, is there harm in not doing so, if I have had no other problems with the truck? Thanks.
I just went through the same thing with my 2018. They first said it was bad DEF fluid, charged $500.00. Three weeks later check engine light came on again.
This time said I need new Cat and both new sensors….$3,700.00.
After my own searching discovered 8 year warranty or 130,000 km warranty on cat…..the dealership claimed not to know about that????
I requested they only change the Cat not the Nox sensors……which they were going to charge $2,700.00 for….they said they would likely break when replacing the Cat…..I told them I wanted the sensors back if they changed them.
After the Cat was changed, surprise , surprise……Nox sensors were fine.
It’s been a month since and all is good!
I drive in the city mostly which causes issues for the regen….have been using Rislone Def and Scr emissions cleaner additive as advised by a friend who is a mechanic to assist in regen issues.
The dealership also killed my battery while it was there…..wanted to replace my battery, then also said I needed a new alternator…..changed battery, not alternator after friend rechecked it and it was fine…..always ask questions….saved me $$$$$


New Member
Sep 10, 2024
Truck Year
Based on your experience and I'm sure others more like you, who can anybody trust when our vehicle needs to be fixed? It's pretty pathetic that a dealership cannot be trusted. Thanks for your story.