I was on my way to work an 11 hr drive when I got close it started to get cold outside so I turned on my heater and it was not blowing heat I noticed when I stoped at the gas station I hear what sounds like a loud fan noise from under the hood checked it out and the fan was turning not sure where the nose was coming from so when I get to work I turn off my truck and turn it back on and the heat starts to work well two days later I go to town and the fan noise starts again the way to and from town then the next day I went to town again and the truck started to overheat it ran about 235 to 245 coolant temp wouldn’t come down there is no obvious coolant leak but when I checked it was 1/2 gallon low of coolant I haven’t got the chance to run it once I added coolant I’ll try it this afternoon and update y’all but what do y’all think?