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Transmission shift point tune data


New Member
Mar 21, 2023
Truck Year
Does anyone know if these trucks use the same parameters for shift points as cars? I know next to nothing about any of this, but it sounds like cars use throttle position and rpm (converted to output shaft speed) to set shift points. I'm curious if trucks use any additional data like load or torque to set shift points. The reason I'm asking, is that my truck shift great 99% of the time, but sometimes it does a bit of a quick/short shift on second-third. Its not bad, and I know that if I drive a bit more aggressively in that situation its not bad, but I would like to have that section of the shift table updated if possible and I just want to know what data to track to give a precise table block to change. The situation where it quick shifts from 2-3 is under low load going up hill from a stand still.