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u1424 p0299 p0234 sluggish!!


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
Truck Year
2015 Ram with 172k miles, tuned since 22k miles with most of it being an obsolete really super tune from GDE along with their trans tune. Really never had a problem until yesterday driving to work. Engine starts stumbling and bucking. Then power drops severely. Running the codes I get the above mentioned u1424 p0299 p0234, and I am looking at 1 psi of boost max. I limp in to work, take a look to make sure I did not blow an intercooler pipe (just installed the AFE pipes a few weeks back), then do a little research.
I get my AlfaOBD app up and check status of the vgt actuator command vs actual position. Actual position is 0.02 no matter what the command from the ecm is. It seems like my VGT vanes are stuck in a zero boost situation.

I have a new turbo cartridge with upgraded wheels, but am waiting on the EOC 3 inch turbo back pipes to be built and shipped (currently I have flo pro from the v-band back).

My biggest concern is can I do any damage to the engine if I baby it around in this state of no VGT movement?

My second biggest....is there perhaps a way to clean the hot side on the vehicle to break up the carbon? I have read of VW TDI owners doing something like this, but is it even possible on our trucks? It would seem if I soak the bolts/nuts holding the exhaust outlet elbow on with kroil/pb blaster for a few days I MIGHT be able to rotate it out of the way and spray a foaming carbon cleaner in there to keep me going until I have the cab off (new turbo cartridge install, new downpipe install, replace glowplugs since #6 is dead and stuck as well as some other routine items at the same time...).