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I am new to the group. I have a 2020, leaking fuel out of one of the wire connectors on top of fuel filter. I would appear I will have to order a new filter body. Are there any aftermarket parts out there? Also what is the procedure for releasing the fuel line clips and wire harness clips, no doubt it is easy if you know how they work. Thanks for any input
I stumbled on to this site still don't know why it's here? I'm looking for information on Diesel particulate filter issues
What is the measured voltage on pin 11? Is this right at the connector? The code description states it can be from a high or low voltage. Does the engine start and run? As there is another pin that sends power to the auto stop relay. Only other thing I can think of would be the CAN bus circuit. With luck this info is to late and you have already gotten it fixed.
Bought my Laramie 2016 with 96698k's now has 162556k's paid 4 months ago wanting to sell.
...a child of God
...a child of God
Doesnt the K represent 1,000? If so, then your truck has 162,556,000 miles.
@child... The "k" likely means kilometers in this context.
hey so how did you fix your P0428 error? was it the temp sensor? or O2 sensor?
I am having the exact same issue. parked regen stops due to catalyst temp sesor reading too high. runs steady around 600c then instanly bolts to 999 and stops regen