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Search results

  1. TC Diesel

    FCA/EPA and Emissions Warranty Discussion

    Hi Dxxx Apparently, there is still some confusion within FCA regarding the Federal emissions warranty requirements for light duty diesels. I have been contacted by the owner of the following vehicle. As you can see from the attached invoice, the Ram dealership attempted to charge him...
  2. TC Diesel

    Ecodiesel Failures/EPA 3.0 FCA Emails Granted Public Access

    As I mentioned over the phone, the defect reports have been submitted for 14MY, 15MY, 16MY. We have a bearing problem due to premature bearing wear due to inadequate oil film thickness at low rpm I high engine torque conditions. The near term solution is to change the engine oil from 5W-30...
  3. TC Diesel

    The Facts on the DOJ lawsuit ,EPA Complaint.

    The behavior of FCA in this matter continues to be ongoing. and look closely at FCA behavior anyone has to questioned the liability and Integrity of the corporate Management.... You can argue that FCA did nothing wrong or is their anything wrong with what FCA did and is doing to rectified...
  4. TC Diesel

    New to forum But Not to Diesels

    I am Todd I moved over Here form the Ram1500 forum ,I could NO longer tolerate the cheerleading The mods At that Forum practices....After I ask The Mods to delete My account they Banned Me, I'm not surprised .I have in-depth Knowledge on the 3.0 its behavior and characteristics. look forwarded...