I've been getting that code also. It is a generic code, meaning it could be the def system not cleaning the DPf we'll enough, clean your def injector, look into it when you remove it. Could be the Nox sensor not reading correctly, could be an exhaust leak. Have to go step by step to rule each...
Just took my 2016 ecodiesel in and the EGR cooler is bad again. Probably about 50 k miles on the one replaced. Had about 65k miles on the original. Hope the new one is better. And this is after I just fixed the exhaust that burned the DEF injector and def line. Had to fix myself cause the way...
Haven't had my oil tested, I forgot to check it to see if it was high. Needs to be changed so if it's not high or discolored maybe I'll get it tested. Just waiting to get back to Florida where I left my truck.
Did you have any change in the oil level? I'm hoping its EGR, much simpler repair. I'm still fixing the def system from the exhaust bolts breaking and melting the def line and injector. Bought a cheap injector on ebay but it was defective. So I bought a new injector from RAM , just have to...
I don't see any coolant leaking anywhere and I used an overflow tank full in about 2500 miles? thinking maybe the EGR cooler failed again. Anyone have that happen to them? thanks