Hey All! New to the group and having an issue with my cruise control. It all started after I had the AEM update done on my 2015 Ram. My best description of the problem is that it works rarely now and prior to the update not one problem. Dealer is telling me that the update has nothing to do with the cruise control and that they are not related. I said to them doesn't it run through the ECM/TCM. Their answer was no. I was a gas/diesel mechanic/technician for 32 years and kept myself schooled on everything and once computer controls hit the market I made sure i attended 1, 2, 3 sometimes 4 classes a year as they progressed until I retired for that in 2007. For 15 (?) prior to retirement i did a lot of wiring repair work. That being said I know for a fact that CC runs through the ECM/TCM. Anyone else having this issue?