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2016 Ram 1500 Eco Diesel turbo replacement

cs in Alabama

Active Member
Feb 21, 2019
Truck Year
I was surprised when they told me. My understanding if you receive service elect. throttle control message, you are supposed to take to the dealer asap. Does it void my warranty by driving it with the message light on?
So far, everyone who has the ETC error has been able to clear it with cleaning the MAP sensor and the EGR diffuser tube. There is no sensor looking for this condition so they don't see it.

Bob Pierce

New Member
Dec 18, 2018
Truck Year
I don't know what processes they used to arrive at the failed turbo yet, I will be talking with their "experienced" technician later today to find out their diagnostics for the conclusion. When I drove it to the shop, there were strange noises coming from under the hood close to the location of the turbo, they sounded like a gurgle and low frequency whistle when I let of the throttle, which sounded to me that it may be the turbo.. It went into the limp mode when driven with harder throttle to accelerate, and the Service Electronic Throttle Light came on immediately, about a mile from the dealership. The P0234 code does indicate that the turbo may be malfunctioning, the variable vanes actuator may be a problem. However, I am just guessing.

Is it rude to ask to see the service technicians qualification, or this will piss them off to the point of making the repairs poorly? What would you suggest to do? This "experienced" technician has supposedly replaced several turbos on the ED, and I really don't know his customer skills to start asking qualification questions. A typical mechanic of my generation would get pretty pissed off by questions.

As typically, I have requested a visual inspection of all of the replaced parts for my own information and evaluation. And also I will request their inspection evaluation of condition of the related components that may be suspect. i.e. Air intake manifold, throttle body, MAP, TV, EGR valve, etc.

I really want to thank you for your info input on this. This is my first time with a serious issue on the ED.
My intake burned out on the highway sounds the same sounds you have 3500.00 to repair just the start of trouble I had a month later the fuel pressure regulator and in tank fuel pump went bad another2800.00 dumped the piece of crap eco diesel ram loved the truck engine not so much


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2015
Truck Year
I have always been able to resolve the issue how far Form MN are you.
Any more experience with these? I'm about to tick 184 and I'm finally getting some grief out of the ol girl. Few weeks back Hauling the Boat to the Lake went to pass and it threw the overboost and limped, last night went to drag a tree out of some flood ground and heavy boost really pissed er off. Overboost code when under high load even shut down once. Wondering if the waste gate failed? Pondering trying to get it out from the top to inspect or just pulling the trigger on a Turbo, pending I don't find any leaks in the intercooler piping. Sub 100k used are cheap if a guy wanted to gamble idk.