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coolant leak from turbo coolant pipe


New Member
Feb 15, 2022
Truck Year
Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to let everyone know what I have been dealing with and hope it helps. I had the dreaded coolant leak; it run down the back of the block and around the transmission bellhousing. I knew what it was and took it to be fixed at the dealer under the AEM extended warranty. When the dealership told me it wasn't covered I about fell over at the 2000 dollar bill. I also was upset because I have more than one eco-diesel and the other was covered. After lots of arguing back and forth I dug out the service bill for the other diesel. The original part number for the pipe is 68242889aa.. This part has been superceded by 68544932aa. It is the same part just a new part number. It is bad that it took me 2 weeks to get to the bottom of it but it is covered. I had to point it out to the dealer and jeep customer service. Make sure they check the original part number and cross reference or they stick you with a 2 thousand dollar bill.
This was on a Grand Cherokee but is still applicable.

Good luck,


Active Member
Nov 24, 2020
Truck Year
Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to let everyone know what I have been dealing with and hope it helps. I had the dreaded coolant leak; it run down the back of the block and around the transmission bellhousing.
For whatever reason, the turbo coolant hose fails much more often and much sooner on the Cherokee than it does the Ram.