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EGR Cooler leaking


New Member
Nov 27, 2017
Truck Year
Here is some good info on imminent EGR failure and possibly why you should NOT wait to delete it.
Such a beautiful engine, what they did to these things will eventually be realized. It is illegal to delete your Emissions system in most states but its better than having a 50,000 lawn ornament. Haven't found anyone creditable that has done it successfully because everyone is waiting till their powertrain warranty is up. Folks, Its not covered after 30,000 and you should see what these manifolds (carbon caked) are looking like just after 40,000 miles. Its my understanding that the GDE hot tune helps but unless you actually delete your EGR you are going to have problems. The EGR takes hot exhaust (carbon present) and runs it thru the EGR cooler and then throws it back into the piston to be burned again (non-combustible) and some how magically you have an exhaust that smells like soap and an engine with a bunch of residual carbon clogging everything from the head out to the tail pipe. Then these geniuses decided to burn your unspent diesel in your tailpipes to unclog it every so often and they call that a regen cycle. Just so I can pass emissions in california by keeping the air clean but using a fossil fuel to do it. Ahh makes perfect sense to me. LOL good luck. I can't even sell mine the resale value is 18,500 on a 2015 with 93,000.

I had the same egr leak. Kept adding coolant trying to wait till power train warrenty was up and didn’t want to spend the 1500 on a new egr cooler that I was going to delete in a couple thousand miles. The egr system on these Trucks combined with the swirl valve intake manifold is a time bomb. Both failed on mine and I took it in and dealer said need to replace both and wanted 4 grand. So down the delete path I went, new exhaust, banks intake manifold, electronic throttle delete, full egr delete. On test drive it stalled out. So I changed oil and fuel filter cranked up and had no oil pressure at idle, I then dropped the pan to check pickup screen and tons of bearing metal and what looks like shavings off piston rings. Dealer misdiagnosed and my engine was already blown. So new engine will be here tomorrow and this one will be deleted from mile zero.


New Member
May 4, 2016
Truck Year
My EGR cooler started leaking internally the other day and within 4 hrs I was getting high temp warning. Limped to the closest Austin Tx Dodge dealer. They charged me $135 to diagnose, then said the extended warranty would only be honored at the dealer that sold me the truck. The truck had to be sent to the original dealer who said the EGR cooler was on backorder for minimum 2 wks. Got a loaner. Wrecker and supposedly the job is covered by ext warranty. 45k miles. Must be a lot of these going bad. Design flaw for sure.


New Member
Oct 13, 2017
Truck Year
I had my ERG replaced after also suggesting it was leaking, they covered it in Warranty, but still had coolant leaks, they told me my water pump had a leak and replaced it at my expense, still leaking so they said there was a very small hose leak and replaced the hoses at a cost to me of $600 and that seemed to resolve the issue for a couple of months, then last month it started leaking coolant again, back to the shop (75 miles and 2 hour drive each way) and they could not find any leak so they put some die in the coolant and said to bring it back in a few thousand miles, I have kept a log of each time I have to add coolant, about every 500 miles it uses a half gallon of coolant, nothing is dripping on the ground so I'm guessing it is the ERG again. I'll let everyone know how it come out after I can get into the dealership again. They are always a couple of weeks out just to get it looked at.

Windell LaRue

New Member
Jun 30, 2017
Truck Year
My 2015 with 47,500 miles continued to lose coolant,about a half gallon per moth,no overheating,no sign of coolant loss.The dealer finally told me no need to bring it back,all the eco-diesels lose fluid . I drove to another deal er and traded for a 2018 hemi. I really liked the ecodiesel,if the new one for 2019 fixes the issues,I'll consider another one.


New Member
Oct 13, 2017
Truck Year
When I took mine the first time they told me the same thing, it uses coolant, but at that point I was using about a cup of coolant every 75 miles or so (100 miles a day to work and back) so I suggested to them that is was something new that had not been happening up until then and suggested because of this site that it was the ERG, they decided to look at the ERG (I only had about 50 miles left in my warranty at that point) are replaced it.


New Member
Oct 13, 2017
Truck Year
An update on loosing coolant in my EcoDiesel, so I have repalced the ERG, the thermostat housing, all the hoses and tubes, water pump and it is still leaking, so yesterday my dealer said it is a pump or valve that sends coolant to the hoses, another $550. I don't know what is left to replace in the cooling system. Anyone else been having issues with their cooling system in the EcoDiesel?


Nov 9, 2016
Truck Year
I purchased a 2014 and had problems nearly from the get go, late October of last year the truck needed to be hospitalized for a bad turbo & leaking head gasket. The parts were all back ordered and the truck sat at the dealer for over a month, just so happened that's when FCA won the court case against the government and a slew of 2017's arrived at the dealership. I started to rock the boat so to say and they agreed to buy the truck back and they put me in a new 17. I have less than 6k on the motor and since I live in a area that does not require emission testing I decided yesterday to purchase a stage 1 & 2 delete kit from Sasquatch Parts. It should arrive this Saturday. I'm going to start with stage 1 and see how it goes. I'll post periodical updates as things progress. Sasquatch claims the 1st stage delete is reversible should my area begin emission testing.


New Member
May 19, 2018
Truck Year
I purchased a 2014 and had problems nearly from the get go, late October of last year the truck needed to be hospitalized for a bad turbo & leaking head gasket. The parts were all back ordered and the truck sat at the dealer for over a month, just so happened that's when FCA won the court case against the government and a slew of 2017's arrived at the dealership. I started to rock the boat so to say and they agreed to buy the truck back and they put me in a new 17. I have less than 6k on the motor and since I live in a area that does not require emission testing I decided yesterday to purchase a stage 1 & 2 delete kit from Sasquatch Parts. It should arrive this Saturday. I'm going to start with stage 1 and see how it goes. I'll post periodical updates as things progress. Sasquatch claims the 1st stage delete is reversible should my area begin emission testing.

Do you have a link to what you bought? Thanks.

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TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year

This business Use UPS store address, It is legit.

Principal Place of Business Address
2038 Ford Pkwy Suite #213
Saint Paul, MN 55116
I Purchased form them in the Pass.

I would like to see the Final decision link on EPA/DOJ, FCA to My understanding is No decision Made ,and If History is followed The longer it takes to Settle The bigger the losses to the defendant. Look up the cases of the big Six diesel power plant Makers Back in 2010. precedence is in favor of the plaintiffs in this case.


Nov 9, 2016
Truck Year
My package arrived in 2 day's, they provided tracking information as well. I'm just waiting on the new Hot Tune from GDE to arrive. I'm no motor head by any stretch of the imagination, I'm solely interested in protecting my investment and extending it's service life for as long as possible. I'm going to start with the stage 1 and see how it goes from there..


Nov 9, 2016
Truck Year
Well for those who care here's my update and quick recap. After having a disastrous time with my 2015 ED and eventual buy back they placed me into a brand new 2017 Lariat manufactured Nov 2017. I thankfully have had zero issues thus far and I accumulated 6100 miles since late Nov. After doing a boatload of researching and knowing I live in an area where we have NO emission testing I went ahead and purchased from Sasquatch Parts a stage 1 & 2 delete kit. I also purchased a Hot Tune kit from GDE (Green Diesel Engineering).

This morning the stage 1 & 2 delete was completed and the hot tune installed. 7am started and done by 11:45. I than went and fueled up and drove approximately +- 100 miles on the highway, city and a mix of semi country back roads. I noticed slightly better response when accelerating and virtually no change in sound at least from my perspective. I noticed from the get go a marked improvement with fuel mileage all said and done after my drive I averaged 33.4 mpg an increase of 5 mpg give or take a few tenths. Engine coolant was down a few degrees as well as oil temps, plainly put the truck ran better today than the day I purchased it and I couldn't be happier..

Understand I'm not a motorhead or mechanically inclined, I made the decision to do this solely to protect my investment and extend it's life. I will keep a log of different temps and mileages for the next few months and post them for your review. If you stuck with me and read this entire post thanks.


Nov 9, 2016
Truck Year
I drove 80 miles today to have a cap installed on my ED. Truck ran very smooth and I made the following observations, outside temperature was 75 and humid. Cruise control the entire trip at 67 mph. Engine coolant never went above 203, Trans temp held at 185-187, oil temp held at 206-208. Rpm's sure looked to be 1400-1500. Fuel mileage at the end registered 32.4 mpg.


Nov 9, 2016
Truck Year
Well it's been several weeks with the delete and here's what I have noted. I've noticed my fuel economy has gone up in the city, I was at 17 - 18 mpg now I'm at 24 mpg. Highway driving I was consistently 27 to 28 mpg after delete and hot tune I'm at 30 - 32 mpg. I fueled up the other day and I squeezed 550 miles with 65% city the rest highway driving. (Would have reached 600 but the wife was with me squawking about running out) I'm EXTREMELY PLEASED with Sasquatch parts and GDE hot tune...... I also toss 1 to 2 ounces of "EDT" from Hot Shot's with each fill up. Later this month I'll add my 6 month dose of "Extreme Diesel" also from Hot Shot's.
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Richard Kennedy

New Member
Jul 11, 2018
Truck Year
Hello, I'm new to the group but glad to be here.

I really like my Eco but just got out of the dealer from having an overheating problem. Long story-short, the EGR cooler was leaking internally and had to be replaced. Coolant was being burned off so no external leak was present. At first the engine did not even show a code, so they replaced the thermostat. That lead to overheating again and this time a code appeared. Hope that is the end of it, I put anywhere from 500-1000 miles a week on this truck and need it to run!
I have 66000 km on my ram 1500 and just had the EGR replaced as well. is this a common occurrence. $2800.00 Not happy to have this kind of expense with a 2 year old truck


Nov 9, 2016
Truck Year
Really impressive gains @W.D.H. !!
Just returned from sons QB camp in Omaha, 1060 miles total. Truck has surpassed my hopes and expectations and is running better than new ( No Exaggeration ). I averaged 30.3 mpg @ 68mph, oil & coolant temps averaged 2 to 5 degrees cooler than "pre" delete. I managed to squeeze 625 miles with the room for a wee bit more out of a tank of fuel (Sweetness). I try to add an oz of EDT at each fuel up and every 6 months I give 8 oz's of Extreme Diesel. For what it's worth If you live in a area where you can get away with a stage 1 or 2 delete I recommend doing it. If you live in a totalitarian state between emission tests I'd at least recommend a stage 1 delete which is reversible and takes 20 to 30 minutes of time. Doing so would eliminate the EGR and better protect your investment. Just my 2 cents...


New Member
May 19, 2018
Truck Year
Can you post a link to the Stage 1 and 2 delete kits you got?

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