I threw parts at mine for 3 months after the dreaded service electronic throttle message. Did a smoke test on it and found an exhaust leak pre Nox sensor. Fixed the leak and fixed the problem.
So I am on my second Eco., The first one was a 2015. I had this trouble at least 4 times.
It was undrivable, 35 mh. max sat at one dealer over the weekend. Late that Monday I called & was told it fixed itself.
Took it to another dealer 2 times they replaced the turbocharger. 4th time they said it was something else.
Now I have a 2018 have had for two years. This is the first time & they are replacing the turbo on this one.
They also say the throttle body is bad. I'm not really sure how the aluminum body could go bad.
except for the butterfly in the port.
But instead, I should try the MAP sensor first?
Dose the GDE tune help in any way this trouble or is that separate?