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GDE Tune Experience & Performance please share


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2015
Truck Year
After learning all this stuff about my EcoDiesel I tried to get a GDE hot tune. Their website said they are sold out so I emailed them. Here's their response:
We were shut down by the EPA 3+ months ago. See below:
We are not able to reflash/install our tune at this time due to changes in EPA rules. Best to contact your state representative and ask them to reign in the EPA if you ever want the GDE tune. The EPA is using statute CAA 42 USC 7522 (a)(3) (A-B) to go after the after-market auto industry. We feel this rule should only cover large auto manufacturers, not older vehicles in the field.
There is an act in Congress called the RPM Act that is on the table. Please refer to below if you contact your representatives and ask them to move quickly on this bill: https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/2602/text
Sorry for the issues. If your vehicle is registered in a different country, let us know as rules are different outside the US. We hope to have CARB/EPA certified tunes for engine and trans within 3-4 months.


GDE has been unable to sell tunes in the U.S. since about October

TooClose Racing

New Member
Dec 20, 2017
Truck Year
Not Listed
Gosh, you ARE new to this Eco-Diesel world! So am I, but I was able to get my "tune" from GDE at the buzzer, so to speak, just before the EPA showed up at their shops late in the Summer of 2019 and threatened them with severe consequences ($$ I'll presume), forcing them to shut down and stop offering this service. So if you want to improve your Eco-Diesel performance NOW then the only US-based shop doing this is called Sofa King Tuning (SKT). There is a specific detailed thread on this forum about this modification, which is done by the truck owner or your favorite shady tree mechanic. Several forum posters have experience with this tune - all GOOD as far as I can tell, John Jenson being most notable and very knowledgeable. But it is definitely more DIY in approach.

In the meantime, GDE has signaled (in at least one other thread on this forum) that they are working on a new "Tune" modification that will be EPA/CARB legal with the timetable suggesting this will be available later this year. Kinda fascinating, but I'm also thinking "how are they gonna do that?" . I wish GDE all the best. They have a lot of fans and have sold a lot of Tunes the last half-dozen years.