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How many miles on your ecodiesel and have you had any problems?

Dec 14, 2015
Truck Year
I am now at 38,000 miles on my 2015, I have only had it to dealer for routine service. No issues what so ever with my truck. I have not used the front cover yet and only found that I also have an engine heater a few days ago. I live in mid western Pa. and we have some -0 temps but the truck always starts good and runs well.

Jim mclennan

New Member
Jan 31, 2018
Truck Year
30K all is well, had an EGR code but was cleared.
My egr code came on today, 46000 miles, had it cleared. Dealership was going to charge me 140 bucks to plug it in. Screw um!!! Inwent to a friends garage did it for notta. I see alot of problems coming on it looks like.but i do like the lil truck, it had a turbo boost sign on yhe code reader, they said it could have been 100 things coulda caused it. Well hell! That aint good. All i can say is get the xtra warranty when ya buy one!


New Member
Apr 20, 2018
Truck Year
2015 1500 Ram ecodiesel the CEL came on last September at 25,000 miles. The dealer replaced the turbo charger. After only 20 miles CEL back on. They took it back and kept for a week and couldn't find any thing. After 20 miles the CEL came back on. They replaced the sensor and the truck was fine. Took three trips to dealer and a month before issue fixed. Now at 28,000 miles it's been at the dealer for over 3 weeks, They have replaced the fuel rails and PCM but truck still stalling. They still haven't figured out whats wrong.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
3.0 VM, Uses the same electronic relief system as the LML motor if the LV (Limiting Valve) sticks it will cause the vehicle to stall, The LV is easy to check ,My Question would be WHY replace the rails.

The 3.0 has some short comings ,but its not the truck fault when FCA Dealers have incompetent Techs that replace parts by FCA direction, Its tantamount to random guessing.

Windell LaRue

New Member
Jun 30, 2017
Truck Year
I traded my ecodiesel for a 2018 hemi but it had 49,000 trouble free miles,towing 8,000 lbs, 1/3 of the miles.The coolant kept leaking and the dealer told me it was normal,so i went to another dealer and traded for the hemi. I'm anxious to see the 2019 ecodiesel and may trade again.


New Member
Apr 20, 2018
Truck Year
3.0 VM, Uses the same electronic relief system as the LML motor if the LV (Limiting Valve) sticks it will cause the vehicle to stall, The LV is easy to check ,My Question would be WHY replace the rails.

The 3.0 has some short comings ,but its not the truck fault when FCA Dealers have incompetent Techs that replace parts by FCA direction, Its tantamount to random guessing.

The codes were for low pressure in the fuel system. They replaced the fuel rails and PCM per FCA recommendation. Now they are getting both low and high pressure codes.


Nov 29, 2015
Truck Year
67 + k so far: replaced electric fan motor, running with GDE tune, No issues, solid as a rock. Enjoy 26 MPG in the city and 30 MPG Hwy.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
The codes were for low pressure in the fuel system. They replaced the fuel rails and PCM per FCA recommendation. Now they are getting both low and high pressure codes.

Yep..That's Because to Original problem still exists, the Bosch OS maps the FCA if the spread is to far it will throw codes..The CP4 Must be fed 60PSI+ Min to overcome the internal COV . the electronic LV regulates the system to run at Near capacity for Cooling the entire Fuel system. Either the lift system (Fuel) or the CP4/FCA is the problem.


Feb 26, 2018
Truck Year
67 + k so far: replaced electric fan motor, running with GDE tune, No issues, solid as a rock. Enjoy 26 MPG in the city and 30 MPG Hwy.

How long have you been running the GDE tune? Have you had any issues with the dealer? Are they aware that your truck has this tune?


New Member
Apr 20, 2018
Truck Year
Yep..That's Because to Original problem still exists, the Bosch OS maps the FCA if the spread is to far it will throw codes..The CP4 Must be fed 60PSI+ Min to overcome the internal COV . the electronic LV regulates the system to run at Near capacity for Cooling the entire Fuel system. Either the lift system (Fuel) or the CP4/FCA is the problem.

I texted the dealer and asked if they had checked the lift system (Fuel) or the CP4/FCA and no reply. It's been over 4 weeks and they say their still testing and diagnosing.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
I'm at a loss for words.

My 12th DSL

New Member
Apr 26, 2018
Truck Year
211078 kms when I drove into my drive today. I bought the truck from the company that I work for so that I could keep driving it. It went into limp mode for the first time on me this winter. Took it to the local dealer and a software update had me on my way.


New Member
Apr 20, 2018
Truck Year
I'm at a loss for words.
I called today at 5:30pm and the dealer said they just finished up and the truck was ready. About time it's been 31 days| They replaced the fuel quantity solenoid which is another name for the FCA. This was your diagnosis was with out even seeing the truck and only a few hours after posting. Picked up the truck and it seems to bed ruining fine. Going for a 4 day camping trip and will see how it runs pulling our 4,000 lb travel trailer. Still can't believe they replaced the fuel rails and PCM when it was just the FCA.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
I'm Still at a loss for words...Glad its Up and running thou.

Ronald Doupe

Active Member
Mar 18, 2018
Truck Year
I wanted to take a quick poll and ask how many miles do you have and if you have any problems?

I have 15000 miles but no problems. I'm happy with my ecodiesel so far!!
Interesting , problems none, just turned 8000 miles, so for nothing, but you read all the stories, not doubting they didn't happen but when I am in a parking lot or whatever and a EcoDiesel is next to me I ask how is the truck?, never got anything other than great mileage no issues, mine is like there's nothing, so I guess this is like every other product forum you only hear rge bad, real or made up, and never the good. Some people have to complain, some people find a way to promote there cause or business, so far I haven't found anyone in person who doesn't like there EcoDiesel, I only have 8+k miles but its a great package so far


Staff member
Jul 27, 2013
Truck Year
Not Listed
Interesting , problems none, just turned 8000 miles, so for nothing, but you read all the stories, not doubting they didn't happen but when I am in a parking lot or whatever and a EcoDiesel is next to me I ask how is the truck?, never got anything other than great mileage no issues, mine is like there's nothing, so I guess this is like every other product forum you only hear rge bad, real or made up, and never the good. Some people have to complain, some people find a way to promote there cause or business, so far I haven't found anyone in person who doesn't like there EcoDiesel, I only have 8+k miles but its a great package so far

Yep.. Most people come to a forum to complain.. not often do people sign up to say how awesome their truck is.
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TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
Statically, if You were to remove the rotating mass failures, its just like any other vehicle on the road made with hands.

The engine is overseas Made, and do to just the #s of failures added to the time frame on replacements, the other area is cost on repair do to its origin. The lack of Knowledge at dealers adds More distrust. If its a hero build its Awesome . If the QC Zero Build it just plainly PITR, Now add the Lack of candor FCA Corp Behavior on issue's !.


New Member
Apr 29, 2018
Truck Year
2015 Longhorn purchased January of 15 - 80K miles to date - performed flawlessly except for a couple instances of check engine light and P24AE code. Dealer performed a reflash for the particulate matter sensor circuit and it seems fine now.
I have spoken with a number of drivers of commercial vans with the same drive train and all really like it.


New Member
Apr 20, 2018
Truck Year
I'm Still at a loss for words...Glad its Up and running thou.
Well the truck didn't last long. We went camping and came back early. 50 miles into trip check engine light, lighting bolt and message "service electronic throttle control" came on. After we got to the campground stopped at Advanced Auto to have the codes read. Only one code P0105 has something to do with manifold/barometric pressure. Truck seemed to run fine and we were able to complete the trip. Compared to the loaner with the Hemi we used on the last trip miles/gal was great: 7.5mpg with Hemi and 13.5mpg with ecodesiel pulling a 4,000 lb travel trailer @ 70 mph on the highway. Taking back to the dealer. Has already spent 2 of the last 7 months in the shop. We have a 1,400 mile camping trip planned in 5 weeks and very nervous about this truck. Just turned 29,000 miles.