The "Dead Pedal" after the software fix is really bad. I wouldn't say all diesels are like that, it just isn't true. I would recommend selling the truck or tuning it if you want the throttle fixed.
The "Dead Pedal" after the software fix is really bad. I wouldn't say all diesels are like that, it just isn't true. I would recommend selling the truck or tuning it if you want the throttle fixed.
Boostn, Their has Not been a DSL ( On-Road) in the last 15 that does not have Lag due to TQMGT. Commercial DSL's are even worst, Because the Power those behemoth 13L+ can twist up even the most Robust DL you can turn. The 3.0 is not capable of destroying the DL behind it, That being said if you were to drop it in gear without depressing hard on the service brake , the truck could surge forward causing injury or damage W/O TQMGT.