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New EcoDiesel owner guide

David Mosby

New Member
Jan 25, 2016
Truck Year
I was thinking it would be good to provide a guide of best practices for a new ecodiesel owner. I know it would of benefited me especially since its my first diesel.

I will start it off

1) Change oil every 10K miles
2) Change fuel filter ever 20K miles
^^ I know these two are subjective, but it seems like an acceptable number after getting opinions from a lot of people.
3) Front & Rear diff service??
4) Transmission fluid and filter?

..anything else? lets build a nice list and compile into one so it will be easy to track.

It is okay for Rotella T6 now. 5w40. I change at 8000 miles. At 30,000 miles I will change or rather, flush my transmission fluid. I learned that there is a special way to flush, which involves putting it into reverse, which reverses the fluid direction and backflushes out the filter. I figured this out from a Jeep whose transmission would start running badly and not shifting until shifting into reverse. Then it would work fine. I called a transmission shop and they said DO NOT FLUSH!!!! So I took it to an oil change place that did flushing. Drove like new. Screw those transmission shop liars!


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2015
Truck Year
It is okay for Rotella T6 now. 5w40. I change at 8000 miles. At 30,000 miles I will change or rather, flush my transmission fluid. I learned that there is a special way to flush, which involves putting it into reverse, which reverses the fluid direction and backflushes out the filter. I figured this out from a Jeep whose transmission would start running badly and not shifting until shifting into reverse. Then it would work fine. I called a transmission shop and they said DO NOT FLUSH!!!! So I took it to an oil change place that did flushing. Drove like new. Screw those transmission shop liars!
New fluid can do wonders to a transmission but I wouldn't feel any reason to pull the factory fill out of our transmissions at my present mileage.

And considering that you do, what fluid are you planning to replace it with?