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No Start help


New Member
Sep 5, 2024
Truck Year
First post but thought this would be a good place to get some help with my 2016. So backstory, at the end of June I went to leave for work and the truck was slow to start and then after a few seconds stalled as if it was starved of fuel. It did this once or twice before not starting at all. It will crank for about 30 seconds but does not start. My immediate thought was that the high pressure fuel pump had gone out. So I get it scheduled with the dealership for the recall repair.
So fast forward to early August the parts finally come in and I get the truck towed to dealership for the repair. They complete it but it makes no difference. They suspect an issue with a faulty Mass Airflow Sensor. I have since then replaced that to no avail. At one point during all of this the truck was showing a p0402 code ‘EGR Excessive Flow Detected’
Any advice on what what it could be or what to check next would be greatly appreciated!


New Member
Sep 7, 2024
Truck Year
I seem to be having the same issue that you are. Mine did the same thing, but about a week after the high pressure fuel pump was replaced. I have so far replaced the fuel pump in the tank. I have replaced the intake manifold, I was getting the code for the swirl valves. I have pulled the DPF to see if it was clogged. The latest thing that I have done is pull the EGR cooler. I was completely plugged. I have cleaned and reinstalled, but I am still having the same issue. I have even tried to see if it will run with the V-clamp at the exhaust manifold open to make sure that the exhaust is open to the air. I have had it hooked to a scanner and the only code that is current is for O2 sensor heater. That is a new one from me pulling the DPF to check it. Otherwise, there are not any current codes, there are historic codes from the issue with the intake, my center light being out, and from unhooking the battery. I also watched the fuel rail pressure, and it seems to be following the demand. So I don't think that there is an issue with the new HPFP.

Unfortunately, I appear to be in the same boat as you. I don't have any new ideas, but I thought I might share what I have tried that hasn't worked. Hopefully, someone has some new ideas.

Richard Bays

New Member
May 30, 2016
Truck Year
First post but thought this would be a good place to get some help with my 2016. So backstory, at the end of June I went to leave for work and the truck was slow to start and then after a few seconds stalled as if it was starved of fuel. It did this once or twice before not starting at all. It will crank for about 30 seconds but does not start. My immediate thought was that the high pressure fuel pump had gone out. So I get it scheduled with the dealership for the recall repair.
So fast forward to early August the parts finally come in and I get the truck towed to dealership for the repair. They complete it but it makes no difference. They suspect an issue with a faulty Mass Airflow Sensor. I have since then replaced that to no avail. At one point during all of this the truck was showing a p0402 code ‘EGR Excessive Flow Detected’
Any advice on what what it could be or what to check next would be greatly appreciated!
Has anyone checked/replaced the fuel filter?


New Member
Sep 7, 2024
Truck Year
My fuel filter was replaced with the HPFP recall. It was a week old when I started having the same problem.


New Member
Sep 7, 2024
Truck Year
I've also had the fuel tank out, and there was no debris in the tank, fuel was clean, and no water.

Richard Bays

New Member
May 30, 2016
Truck Year
My fuel filter was replaced with the HPFP recall. It was a week old when I started having the same pro

I've also had the fuel tank out, and there was no debris in the tank, fuel was clean, and no water.
with a friend, crack open one of the fuel lines at the injector and attempt a start - is there fuel spraying out?
Try again with someone watching the exhaust - any smoke?


New Member
Sep 7, 2024
Truck Year
I have fuel pressure gauge on the supply, it is reading 58 psi to 60 psi all the time. I have used a scanner, and the rail pressure follows the demand. So, I think the fuel is getting there. It also will run for several seconds before it dies. I currently have the V-band from the exhaust manifold to the DPF open, I do get plenty of whiteish grey smoke while it is running.