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Off engine exhaust smell


New Member
Mar 14, 2021
Truck Year
Howdy, I'm in mid-south Texas with 2015 Ram with 160,000 miles and the Temperature dipped to 11degrees F for 2 days and stayed 20 degrees for another 2 days three weeks ago in Texas (occurs once in 25 years). My 2015 ecodiesel had an offensive smell all during this time. I finally pinpointed it to my exhaust. It smelled like turpentine or a burnt electric motor. That is the best smell i could attribute it to. it was strong if you pulled into a garage, and outside with 20 mph winds you could smell it strongly 30 yards away. i have 2 codes showing up PO128 and P20EE. I'm replacing the thermostat (PO128) now and the other is a NOX sensor code which i thought was the problem; not sure. But the smell quit when it got 50 - 70 degrees. Any ideas? 2015 Ram with 160,000 miles


Staff member
Jul 27, 2013
Truck Year
Not Listed
Welcome.. Burnt smell typically comes from the DPF in regen mode or just coming out of it. They put off a strong burnt smell usually. At least mine always have..