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Oil leak.

Jun 1, 2015
Truck Year
For my problems and truck being gone so long the dealership offered to make a truck payment for me. I negotiated oil changes instead. I told him I was in fear of something happening to my truck after having the bad oil change, and a mechanic fixing Mt truck that has never touched the ED, and lost dome of my patrs. That if I changed my own oil, as everyone one does, they would come back and tell me my failure was because I changed my own oil. So the owner gave me 6 free oil changes. I'm guess if I have any problems because of their service it will pop up within a few oil changes. Now I have 2 filters, and 12qts of oil that will be sitting for a long time... is there a shelf life on the oil?
Jun 1, 2015
Truck Year
Not you again Shawn, I hope you've had breakfast! Lol, jk. Thx. He even made it sound that if I had problems after the oil changes came out, or after my warranty was up he would take care of it. But I also planted a bug in their ear that now that I have had that issue, and don't trust my truck, and service to it. That down the road a little bit I would be trading it back in for another new one. And I was interested in owning a new Callenger, along with getting another truck..


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2015
Truck Year
Maybe so but after one serious shop failure in doing so I think I'd have taken two truck payments and continued oil changes myself. And if you're considering Trading in in a couple years I don't foresee you getting your value out of 60k worth of oil changes that you don't use
Jun 1, 2015
Truck Year
The salesman told me he would probably do a couple. The dealership owner only offered one. I got more value out of oil changes, and things don't always go as we would like them to go. I may fall in love with my truck all over again before warranty is up. And that would make the Challenger a bit more affordable. That being said, that was all settled before Shawn had the major failure in his truck. The message I got out of that, is that all these engines are doomed to same failure. That's is very scary. Will they, or will they not. It sucks not knowing. And it sux not knowing if we can prevent it. I guess only time, and problems in my truck, or others will tell. As for now I can make all payments as I normally would, I am buyi ng the truck, and not have to worry about the cost of oil changes that I would normally be doing. And now I don't have to worry about being at fault for any issues. I feel pretty good about our resolve. I got the extended warranty. So I think I'm good 7 years, or 120,000 miles. I bought truck in march, and had 11,000 miles by September. So that is my milage rate.