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Throttle Service Light On

orbit solutions

New Member
Aug 1, 2024
Truck Year
Hi guys, I have a 2015 Ram 1500 with the Throttle Service Light on, the weird is that my check Engine light is Off, and the scanner (Autel IM508) doesn’t give me any code. It has full EGR, DPF and Def deleted. Not sure about the tunning. When I checked the Throttle Body first time with the light I noticed that it was with a lot of oil in, so I took it out and cleaned it, I cleaned all my hoses belong to the intake system (Big pipes coming and go to the turbo) Intercooler was replaced also because it was broken. So after all this system was clean and throttle body too. I clear codes and truck ran without issues but the light came back after 5 miles I checked the throttle body and was clean. I got the Oil separator from dealer today to put it on and avoid the oil leak into de intake duct but and not sure why light came back with the whole system clean. Map sensor was removal and cleaned also. Any idea?


Staff member
Feb 15, 2019
Truck Year
Currently in the same boat with mine but more intermittent 200-800 mile intervals sometimes 2-3 key cycles.

With the tunes installed it masks the cel and stops codes from setting but will still kick the service electronic throttle light. Check for boost leaks, clean map sensor, ect.

Pretty sure my turbo vanes are sticking intermittently and it doesn’t spool like it used to so I’ll be pulling transmission soon to replace tone wheel, turbo, and anything else I find may be leaking or starting to rust will get treated.


Active Member
Nov 30, 2022
Truck Year
This may sound a little strange, but before I had my TIPM replaced, and found a broken power wire in the harness headed to my lift pump, I received that same error twice with the throttle and how it'd go into limp mode. After the above was checked and replaced, it hasn't come back since. I'm not superstitious about coincidences, but the results kinda spoke for themselves - especially since these engines have so many downstream electronics.

Kevin Gulbrandson

New Member
Dec 15, 2017
Truck Year
I have a 2015 deleted and tuned,with the same issue. Tried all the suggested repairs. Still had the same problem. So this time I did what the dash was telling me the problem was Service Electronic Throttle. I replaced the Throttle Throttle peddle in the cab. So far problem has been solved. Here is hoping 🙏 that did it.

orbit solutions

New Member
Aug 1, 2024
Truck Year
I have a 2015 deleted and tuned,with the same issue. Tried all the suggested repairs. Still had the same problem. So this time I did what the dash was telling me the problem was Service Electronic Throttle. I replaced the Throttle Throttle peddle in the cab. So far problem has been solved. Here is hoping 🙏 that did it.
Just replace the Pedal or the throttle body also?

Kevin Gulbrandson

New Member
Dec 15, 2017
Truck Year
Replaced the peddle,still working good. It was so bad that every time I accelerated to get on the interstate it would go into limp mode I have lots of fast acceleration now if I really want it very happy


New Member
Jun 19, 2024
Truck Year
Any ideas how to clear the S.E.T. on a 2015 ecodiesel with no codes because of full delete. I have alpaobd with MX+.

Kevin Gulbrandson

New Member
Dec 15, 2017
Truck Year
Replaced the peddle, still working good. It was so bad that every time I accelerated to get on the interstate it will go into limp mode I have lots of fast acceleration now if I really want it very happy
up date thought i had it fixed, no problem for some time, now it has to warm up really good before i can push it. it was in tow haul. that is when I knew I still had a problem. can any of the intake components be dirty enough to cause. it will go into limp, pull over shut off and restart and away I go?