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Who's running a tune


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2015
Truck Year
I think the customer basis will be slim to none for anyone doing significantly built eco's. Nobody buys a baby fiat diesel with plans to hit 1000lb torque numbers to sled pull or run at the strip. It's no hot rod and nobody jumps in the truck feeling like it ever will be. It's an economical longevity based decision for most anyone that decided on the eco to begin with


Active Member
Jul 23, 2015
Truck Year
I agree with those conclusion. I suspect, it's too risky to use tunes on the EcoDiesel and with (FCA) dealers very quick to blame user to avoid warranty coverage. They will even use/blame problems, because you used third party products, oil, coolant and bad DEF.

At the same time, I had concerns that I read on posts, enough for me to buy a monitor (CS2). Which I believe it was a good investment (though I think it's overpriced). Resolve concerns over REGEN and EGT/ECT temperatures, so far.

If I needed more power, I would have gotten the Ram 2500 Cummins Diesel or similar. For better fuel economy, maybe a tune for economy would work and not cause harm on the Cummins Diesel. According to Diesel Cummins board, there are known failure on engine components when pushing those engines. Users have identified some of the components that are considered weak, inadequate. If that happens with Cummins, how much more so with EcoDiesel.

I'm happy with power, economy, the ride, etc. The only area, where I would have added is Crew Cab verses Quad Cab. I didn't expect to like my truck that much, so much so, that I use the truck first, instead of my other vehicle. It my main transportation. New buyers, keep that in mind....


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2015
Truck Year
I'm happy with power, economy, the ride, etc. The only area, where I would have added is Crew Cab verses Quad Cab. I didn't expect to like my truck that much, so much so, that I use the truck first, instead of my other vehicle. It my main transportation. New buyers, keep that in mind....
Absolutely. New buyers beware. This quickly becomes a favorable daily driver!


New Member
Jan 23, 2016
Truck Year
Running a Banks. Id sell this truck if it wasn't for it. See that trailer. It weighs 3500, 3 horses at 1000 each. 6500. It doesnt pull it stock very well. Would be running in 6 gear and losing a lot of speed through small hills or wind. With banks I can run in 7 and roll. The drivability and the throttle response is excellent. Easily undone to take to the shop for warranty work. Didn't see any mileage difference empty but do get better with a load. The truck wants to run better at 2500rpm. After a hard pull with wind a light will come on. After a few drives and starts it resets itself and goes away. Tried another companies and it put the truck in limp mode, had to erase 23 codes, took 45 minutes with a snap on scanner. I was getting ready to go PPEI system and get away from the emissions when my daughters truck blew at 9000 miles. I have 48K. Rethinking that for warranty reasons. I am probably going to do the rest of banks then when warranty is out send my unit to PPEI. This is the 5th diesel I have done with Banks. 1st eco-diesel. Totally Happy


Active Member
Jul 23, 2015
Truck Year
Untitled.jpg Can you tell me what the EGT1 and EGT2 temperatures when you are towing the trailer with load on hills, mountain roads using the tuner. Hopefully the Tuner you use, provides that info. The Edge CS2 is what I'm using at this time. I monitor, (EGT1, EGT2 increases with throttle and grades), (EGT3, EGT4 involved with REGEN) and Rad temperature when using winter covers, which I use starting at 7 Celsius and colder season.

My concern, when I'm in the Canadian rockies, climbing long grades and using cruise control, towing 5k to 6k trailer/load, it will climb to 3000 to 3500 rpm and the EGT 1 and EGT2 would climb very quick to 1500 degrees F. I have my alarm set also, when it happen, I disable cruise control and drive the rest of the way with the peddle.

I feel, if one pushes at those temperatures too long, you will get a melt down and/or longevity of the engine drop drastically. FCA has refused to answer my questions or allow access to their engineers, the dealers ignore my request for info, so looking for input from owners of EcoDiesel 3.0

Something of interest I have noticed, the last two long trips 1000km or so, I only go through 1 REGEN cycle. I suspect, it the winter covers, it keeps the EGT3 and EGT4 in the 800 F range, and the Soot just creeps up very slowly. The first trip was just the winter covers, this trip I had the winter covers and used the Shell V-power diesel. Suppose to have Cetane booster, and many other additives. I'm still testing if it worth the extra cost.


New Member
Jan 23, 2016
Truck Year
I have never added a monitor. It does have a boost monitor setting that changes the color of a light if it hits your Boost setting. But, I have it tucked under the seat cause I didn't want a dealership to see it mounted on the dash were they recommend. I never pull on cruise. Our hills are not long here. When the wind is blowing it will take you out of 7th into 6th. As soon as the short hill is done I let up so it goes back into 7th, would stay in 6th if I didn't. I do use the tow mode cause it helps shift down using less trailer brakes. My truck pulls a 18ft aluminum motorcycle trailer most of the time. No more than 3500#. I just didn't want everyone to think I bought a half ton to do a bigtruck job. We have others to pull the big stuff.
Its Damm if I do and Damm if I don't on doing a full delete. We all know its the best for the motor. As one guy said in the post, Iam walking on egg shells.
When my daughters motor went out the oil engine light went on and it was over.


Active Member
Jul 23, 2015
Truck Year
It was a surprise to see it hit 1500 F. It happens when you are pushing 3000 or more RPM. It can happen without using cruise control. So far, I only hit those temperatures when towing my trailer in the rockies. Until I find out what the temperatures that would be considered normal and not normal, I stay away from any tuner.

I'm getting the impression, that engine failure percentage is higher than normal. True, most people on the forum come when they have issues, but it seems, to be more common than other vehicles. Too bad, one can not force FCA to make public all warranty work or provide how many engines they had to replace and the parts that are failing. I am hoping that I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2015
Truck Year
Well just because one can does not mean they should run 3000+ rpms and pull up a long grade trying to maintain a speed that's not necessary and overwhelming the truck. It's entirely driving habits that are pushing the high egt's that you see. If you don't like them or want to see it that high then slow down like everyone else pulling a load through the mountains.

Sure prolonged exposure to heats in excess of 1500 degrees is harmful. Is your truck ever going to experience those temperatures for prolonged times under NORMAL driving conditions? No.

If you are pushing your truck then slow down and drive accordingly


Staff member
Jul 27, 2013
Truck Year
Not Listed
My thoughts are this:

If you're towing within the manufactures limits on a stock truck then you shouldn't have to back off or worry about something going wrong / overheating. The truck is engineered to handle that per Ram, that's what your paying for.

Once you add a tune or change something that is out of factory limits, then technically all bets are off..


Active Member
Jul 23, 2015
Truck Year
I follow the speed limit when towing, and as mentioned above, I'm within factory specs when towing 6000 lbs. I suspect and hope that 1500 F. is within factory specs. But, I can't get FCA to confirm that. I bought the ram diesel, so that I can comfortably tow my trailer at speed limit without worrying about over heating.

I suspect many others are hitting those temperatures when towing. The vast majority of RAM owners don't have monitors, so they wouldn't know.

Were you able to find out what failed on your daughter engine?


Active Member
Nov 15, 2015
Truck Year
i purchased the gde hot tune with egr off and engine brake, very easy install,15 minutes. mail in took four days to gde and back, took to dealer
for oil change next day no issues. filled tank and went to Eugene ore this is my average mileage town and freeway. before tune that same trip was about 23 mpg average. anyway i was really impressed, went to 28.4 mpg and turbo lag is gone, my tank range went from around 600 to 750 per tank. very pleased, and my oil still looks clean it would have been black with soot by now.......DSCF8604.JPG


Staff member
Jul 27, 2013
Truck Year
Not Listed
i purchased the gde hot tune with egr off and engine brake, very easy install,15 minutes. mail in took four days to gde and back, took to dealer
for oil change next day no issues. filled tank and went to Eugene ore this is my average mileage town and freeway. before tune that same trip was about 23 mpg average. anyway i was really impressed, went to 28.4 mpg and turbo lag is gone, my tank range went from around 600 to 750 per tank. very pleased, and my oil still looks clean it would have been black with soot by now.......View attachment 591

Great results, thanks for posting!

Alan Casey

New Member
Jul 6, 2016
Truck Year
I have the Green Diesel tune and very happy with it. I feel like they are more conservative and stay more within manufacturer specs so I don't have to worry about warranty issues. They have great customer service too.


Staff member
Jul 27, 2013
Truck Year
Not Listed
I have the Green Diesel tune and very happy with it. I feel like they are more conservative and stay more within manufacturer specs so I don't have to worry about warranty issues. They have great customer service too.

Thanks for sharing!

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
I have been Running Banks Bullet for almost 20K Miles. Its a pressure box... Adding pressure to any CR engine is by far the safest way to do so ,But it does have limits and the Banks Bullet DOES not exceed this limit on the 3.0. When the Jailbreak arrives I will log the tunes that are out there..I've done this in the past and it would surprise Me if the tunes were no more then Pressure adders with very little duration.

You can also defeat a % of the EGR by unplugging the Actuator locate in Picture. You Will need Banks IQ or CTS to delete code P245B that pops up occasionally, Sometimes I get twice a day then it won't appear for weeks. If I gain your trust the code is harmless ,its a 2 trip code and will NOT effect drivability what-so-ever.

The EGR has a bypass so just making the Actuator inoperable WILL NOT stop all the exhaust gases form entering the EGR Chamber, My best guess is 30/40% Stoppage I will post some pictures of the map Sensor and location of the line to unplug, One Picture of the Map is 6Kmiles on OE EGR the other is at 22K miles Actuator unplugged.


  • Defeat egr 3.0 1.jpg
    Defeat egr 3.0 1.jpg
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  • Defeat egr 3.0.jpg
    Defeat egr 3.0.jpg
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  • ED 3.0 MAP 22.2K.jpg
    ED 3.0 MAP 22.2K.jpg
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  • ED map 4.jpg
    ED map 4.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2015
I will most likely get the GDE when my warranty is up. I don't know anybody that's not happy with it and it completely shuts the egr.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
It does Not completely shut the EGR...Even the TOP gate unplugged allows gases to enter the EGR cooling chamber... What GDE is monitors the EGR Valve..The problem with this is the hot gases are entering the EGR coolant chamber I wonder what the future of that chamber will look like with years of Hot gases entering the chamber and NO exist, also at what boost pressure to the plenum will reverse the drive ratio's.. a lot of unknowns.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
John...Do you know what drive pressures are? and what is a throttle Valve? its purpose and flow valve? What does TOP / TUP mean.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2015
John...Do you know what drive pressures are? and what is a throttle Valve? its purpose and flow valve? What does TOP / TUP mean.

sorry i don't. i would have to do some research.

i wasn't looking for a pissing contest.

i visit several forums and feel it's important to differentiate between what is a fact and what is opinion. all to often i find one's belief stated as fact and i don't think it's fair to the community.

i was simply asking for some facts to backup your statements. without facts let's just call it opinion and leave it at that. better yet tell it as your belief rather than as a fact.
