CKs,Being aware to make correction cannot be over emphasized. You will have some trouble, much has changed, and it sounds like unless its a hero out of the gate ownership past warranty NOT goona happen.
Were theirs knowledge Luck is not Necessary.
Mauro speaks like nothing is wrong and How they have improved the 3.0VM, its typical of how marketing works in the world today, its OK to deceive by smooth words, heck Serigo Died telling the world that if you think the 3.0 is breaking CAA you are smoking something Illegal.
FCA is not promoting...
CKs, I don't have the RamBox, and I let My Bedrug stay with My 2015, The Bedrug is awesome, I Moved it form 2012 to My 2014 then to my 2015, if it would have fit it would be in My 2019. Their tough and stuff stays in place when left in box.
I'm considering trading My 19 just to get the 2020...
IMO and experience their is only two types of Tuning companies One's that sell race or Competition Only, and the Illegal ones that are on death row awaiting sentence.
Rumor has it more shutdowns coming.
So if you want tuning do it NOW, and Back up ALL files.
I notice the New 2.0 UPDATE...
The VM 3.0 does well in HWY use. And even My OAs were all good. I foamed the Plenum at 12/24K miles and both (EGR/Plenum) needed replacement at 41K.
Yes there is 2019s, I thought the same as you, IMO Fiat just rebadged the 2018 to 19.
I worked closely with the team to develop downstream...
I'll bite, Its going to be a miserable failure, I worked at X company downstream Exhaust for EGR was abandon, and now the 3.0 has 2 EGR coolers when most Dsl Makers are removing external EGRs altogether. 2018-19s are failing after 5 years of Production. Bolting more hardware to solve know...
The factory in tank pump is superior to the Fass/Dog Pumps...If you want better filtration by their stand-alone pump and add your own filter head for Auxiliary filtration. Keep your tank full when convenient and do NOT drop below a 1/4 Tank, this will mostly add considerable life to the in tank...
Its extremely unlikely to get stop and checked for CAA violations in recreational or Private use, If you pull a wagon with 3 lawn mowers thats commercial use and depending what State you live you may get stopped and checked for X things. Now if you live in a state like CA anything is possible.
Very common if you have 2014-17 mix Your DEF with 2.5 Gallons and 1 Gallon Distilled water Problem solved.
DEF is 33% Urea and 67% Deionized water.
Have been running 10-15% Urea in all My DEF Vehicles for 12 Years.
GearHead, Enjoying the conversation, I never thought about the exhaust event (Fuel) . Now the 3.0 has the EGR Valve and Bypass actuator, the Actuator even when closed has a circuit bypass, now that would require the EGR valve to be 100% shut, if it gets sooted up fuel may find its way in the...
Gear head You had better carry at least 2 More, One owner had two, and He and another person could not put out the flames. Another had a garden hose and Fire extinguisher and it still burned down to the ground.
Melted Eco, Please reach out to
It now seems that every 3.0VM is potentially a fire hazard. 2014-19 are all the same except for some piping and external sensors/cooling valve changes.
Ram19, the fire requires a heat source the plenum is 100s* short of this. Mostly likely turbo related IMO.
The incoming air from the CAC is 10x more then the exhaust gases from the EGR cooler.
I have recorded 1500+F temps (Often) at turbo, the 3.0VM Flame Temps are remarkably high.