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2019 ecodiesel


Active Member
Apr 17, 2016
Truck Year
Turbo is rated for 1550 sustainabed so those temps are safe for it. When the bypass circuit malfunctions the O2 levels get to high and can cause a run away regen aka extremely high dpf heat that can and does cause fires. Bobcat truck aka the one on fire you showed was from exactly that.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
Are You joking, Heck billet wheels can fail at 1600-1800 at use less then 20 Seconds. You keep that turbo at 1500+ and report back sustainable times.

The Silicone-carbide in the DPF can take those temps but its awfully close to the Firewall and floor.

Its NOT in Active Regen


Active Member
Apr 17, 2016
Truck Year
Ive held mine at 1720 for almost a minute multiple times and had spikes to 1750 with no issues. The turbo is cooled with engine coolant which helps a lot.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
Its not going to cool exhaust turbines / vanes seeing those temps, Plus your valves will be wrapping seen it numerous times.

Running temps above 1400 For sustained periods 2-3+ minutes will suck up your wallet on any Ecodiesel.

In the video I called it a garbage truck, meaning garbage engine, Truck awesome.


Ronald Doupe

Active Member
Mar 18, 2018
Truck Year
My ED has taken a turn for the worst, its Now puking coolant and is stuck in some type of destruction/safe mode, I drove it 40 Miles and was hitting 1300-1550F EGTs and My DPF temps 1100-1400F form Hillsboro WI Truck Pull on Sat. 40+ miles. Nuts

It went into this same mode Yesterday, I have to pull over and shut it down for it to go back to Safe operations. If I don't and I keep My foot in it will melt down and catch on fire

It also has develop a jerking at light throttle. and cannot get out of its own way and the power is gone until shutdown. NO codes/CEL

also this mode closes the EGR Valve for Miles this Clearly software related and illegal operation. Like I mentioned for years The ED has conditional software to defeat devices.
The real answer I and others would like to hear is what was the problem with the truck?, or did the issue just go away?

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
The real answer I and others would like to hear is what was the problem with the truck?, or did the issue just go away?

Those temps will eventually cause failures of turbo/ piston or valves. or possibly fire, It also will not Built boost, No boost no power. its in some type of de-rate power mode, this mode only happens when at operating temps or conditions met, If you pull over and let it sit for over 5 minutes it will act normal again after start up for about 10 minutes or 10 miles or so, then it repeats . I have not driven it for the passed week.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
We'll it thru P1296 I cleared it , then it went into Active Mode I ramped the idle and waited for it to finish, Today all Normal 140/150 miles trouble free, we'll see how it go's form here.