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Unhappy with Performance after Emissions Recall Update

Unhappy with Recall

New Member
Jun 3, 2019
Truck Year

I had the Emissions Recall updated 5/31/19 and am disappointed. The Performance is sluggish, shift points changed and shifts a little harder. Hills that required no downshifts before are requiring downshifts to 7th gear some as low as 5th. DO NOT get the update. Dealer cannot help, I have logged a complaint with Ram!


Active Member
Oct 26, 2015
Truck Year
My experience yesterday is the opposite.

Went in with a GDE tune the past 85,000 miles. Truck has 110,000 miles total. Did a fuel mileage check on the way in. Also got a feel for any hesitation with GDE.

After the flash I came home. Tested hesitation with maybe three hard accelerations, one from stop and two on the interstate. One was a merge situation and the other a pass at speeds up to 90 mph. NO HESITATION. No real felt change in poser either.

Fuel mileage going home was about 2 mpg less than GDE. Did drive faster going home and had at least one more acceleration/hesitation test. 28.1 mpg with GDE. 26.5 mpg with the AEM flash.

Expecting my new GDE program to arrive today so just waiting to get my engine back to clean running without the EGR and the DEF sensors. Now I also have a warranty to about 150,000 miles for near everything motor related. Unreal how much warranty there is. On top of that I am supposed to be getting $3,075. It would sure take a fool not to do that AEM.

Actually, I should be paying them for all the performance and pleasure the Ecodiesel has been to me the past 5+ years.

T Bone

Oct 27, 2016
Truck Year
I just notice extreme lag from dead stop. more than when I purchased the truck new.
Anyone else?

Mando Michigan Mark

Active Member
Aug 27, 2018
Truck Year
I just notice extreme lag from dead stop. more than when I purchased the truck new.
Anyone else?
Yes indeed. Turbo lag is VERY bad since the update - especially when cold. Takes a few miles or a lot of idling to get it to respond somewhat normally, and even then it's not like it was prior to the flash.
:cautious: I had to make a left into traffic today and I was about t-boned due to poor acceleration response when I needed to get up and go.

T Bone

Oct 27, 2016
Truck Year
Yes indeed. Turbo lag is VERY bad since the update - especially when cold. Takes a few miles or a lot of idling to get it to respond somewhat normally, and even then it's not like it was prior to the flash.
:cautious: I had to make a left into traffic today and I was about t-boned due to poor acceleration response when I needed to get up and go.
I'm thinking about the pedal commander. Its supposed to remove th he lag.


New Member
Jun 10, 2019
Truck Year
I'm very disappointed with the emissions update. Just waiting to get in an accident, acceleration from start sometimes good, sometimes slow, sometimes floored with no response for 2-4 seconds very scary! Went on road trip to High Sierra's I've been there many times with this truck, after the update, transmission down shifts a lot where it never did before, fuel economy went down by 4 miles per gallon. It was so bad I took it back to the dealer thinking the update was installed wrong but nope, they told me everyone who got the update was complaining about the same things I was but nothing they could do about it. I've filled out all the paper work to receive my refund for making my truck compliant but I would sooner have my truck back from before the update!!! Anyone have any ideas where to go from here? Is there a new lawsuit to join? Let me know??


New Member
Jun 10, 2019
Truck Year
I've always filled the DEF the same time I've changed the oil. I've never made the advertised 10,000 miles between oil changes but always 8000 to 9000 miles, no problem. I've gone a little over 2000 miles on the newest oil change and my DEF is 3/4 gone, I will be adding more before I change the oil again, seems to really gobble it up now. I hate to say it because I love my ECO diesel but it might be time to look for another truck, If no fix is available. 😡


May 15, 2016
Truck Year
I’m guessing that the old saying, if it’s not broken don’t fix it is really right in this case


Jun 11, 2019
Truck Year
Just had my emissions recall done a few days ago as well on my RAM Limited. Got suckered like others into thinking it was the right thing to do. Also, everything I read said "Performance, Drivability etc would not be impacted"...What a crock! I am having the same side effect as others - zero acceleration from a stop for 2-3 seconds. What I have noticed is that it seems very much related to engine temperature. When the engine is below 150 degrees the acceleration is terrible and downright dangerous (old ladies with a cane could walk faster). Over ~ 150 degrees and the performance improves. It seems they have added significant governing on the acceleration when the engine is below a certain temp. As others noted the dealer just washed their hands of it, claimed they couldn't do anything and gave me a recall complaint number to call...big frigging deal...they didn't have a clue either

Does anyone know what legitimate recourse we have? They have turned my truck into a $60K piece of crap!

cs in Alabama

Active Member
Feb 21, 2019
Truck Year
i bet the guy at sofakingtuned.com can help you out. Or maybe the folks at greendieselengineering.com


Jun 11, 2019
Truck Year
Thanks, I may look into sofakingtuned.com or greendieselengineering.com if I don't see any positive action from Chrysler to rectify what they've done. Since I live in the northeast, If engine temperature is a factor with this recall update (as I suspect) this will be a big problem for me.


Jun 11, 2019
Truck Year
Either sell it or tune it. That's really the only thing.. it's weird how some trucks are dogs are others seem to be fine.
Sadly you are probably right about tune it or sell it - terrible way to be treated when you've forked out the amount of $$$ I paid for this truck. Not sure if the "dogs versus fine" is somewhat climate related. Once the engine warms up the throttle response improves. I suspect folks down south won't notice this side effect as much. Will reeeaaaalllly suck in an upstate New York winter though!

So admittedly I'm chicken when it comes to tinkering with aftermarket tuning discussions. If I went that route, am I going to get the old "void your warranty" crap from the dealer or Chrysler?


Staff member
Jul 27, 2013
Truck Year
Not Listed
If I went that route, am I going to get the old "void your warranty" crap from the dealer or Chrysler?

Go with @cs in Alabama suggestion for even better odds of not getting your warranty denied, but yes, there's always a chance.


May 15, 2016
Truck Year
I just feel if a tune, is suppose to make the truck run better then Ram should be installing it for us, and standing behind it. I am also to old to void my warranty.