Well, I love my truck lol wish I could control some aspects of it but it is what it is. Delete the egr and most all of your posts after will be happy. Forums are like reviews, for every 1 good review theres 10 bad ones.
Apparently “the rear glass is a one time use item, once it’s removed it should be replaced” per the body shop. The tech that did the work transferred to a different site, but apparently missed a bunch of seam seals. I think they don’t want to eat the loss of redoing the top of the cab.
Well, stopped by the body shop since having to return my truck for warranty body repair about a week after I got it back. Tree fell on it setember first, this photo was Wednesday. Apparently once they cut the top off, it’ll never reseal so it will leak water forever. I love my eco, I love the...
I wouldn’t be surprised to find that egr has failed. Also, some of the egr work if they failed was replaced with original style if the new style wasn’t available
P04db was a code I got after I tuned transmission. 20 miles round trip is borderline what these trucks enjoy. They do much better on the highway. But I would venture to say your egr hs failed and ruined the intake.
Welcome! Sounds to me like you hve an intake problem but need a lot more info. How many miles are on it now and how many since you bought it? What’s your typical type of driving?
Welcome! I would look into Alfaobd. It’s not nessasarly something that gets installed, it’s something that can get turned on and off. My truck, 2014, didn’t have the option to enable or disable them. With alfaobd I was able to enable the option for them and determine if I wanted my fog lights...
Sounds to me like water pump isn’t doing it’s job full time. You said you replaced the alternator in your other post, did you ensure your belt is routed correctly and your tensioner is keeping tension?
Other than your recent highway usage, are you a stop and go short trip driver or do you have a decent commute to work? I’d get a scan tool reader and check to see what code your getting