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Search results

  1. Milvetmac

    Led bulbs throw in op messages

    I replaced all my bulbs with name brand led bulbs and the dash keeps giving me messages that they’re not working, flashing fast for a while like a bulb is expiring then working fine; back n forth. Turn signals out low beam out left to right; etc etc etc. yet they all work and I did properly wore...
  2. Milvetmac

    Newbie questiin

    Awesome thanks for the info, it’s my first diesel... if you don’t mind, do you have any “engine hygiene “ recommendations? I run T6 rotella with afe oil/ k&n fuel filters and change them all out every 5k miles. Afe dry filter gets cleaned if it’s dirty or every 8k miles whichever comes first...
  3. Milvetmac

    Air ride question

    Mine self regulates, I’m in a hot climate and we could possibly have a small leak... but yes mine has done that since it’s come home and I’ll hear the pump kick on a couple times a day to refill. Not really a solid answer sorry but I have noticed the same “issue” and have not had to fix anything...
  4. Milvetmac

    Newbie questiin

    Any particular reasoning behind removing the cover and foam? I have read some people stating it is part of the design to help maintain a proper heat range for the egr and injector rails... I am by no means a mechanic but I live in commiefornia and am not concerned with freezing temps so why...
  5. Milvetmac

    Intake tube

    Swapped the factory intake tube and mopar air filter for a cft powder coated tube and afe pro dry s (a friend that works for a dodge dealership told me the ED does not like oiled filters, I ran a L&L for about 3 days before it lit up the Xmas tree). It took about 2 hours to get everything apart...
  6. Milvetmac

    CFT spacer

    Installed the cft map sensor spacer today, it was surprisingly easy and I can somewhat imagine the perks of having done it. The sensor was completely plugged (but working), cleaned it out and put the spacer in between removing it from the direct soot stream. I had to snip the factory plastic tab...
  7. Milvetmac

    Banks derringer +1.8

    I got the same answer, recall initiated but no parts are available... time will tell, I’ll do a one month review after install
  8. Milvetmac

    Banks derringer +1.8

    I’ll update when I get it installed... it’s in the mail, banks never disappoints so I have high hopes
  9. Milvetmac

    Dealer trans flush!

    Will do! Thank you for all the info!!!
  10. Milvetmac

    Dealer trans flush!

    I havnt heard of that I’ll have to look it up... thank you, if it’s a scanner I have the banks idash on the way otherwise I use a matco Maximus 2.0
  11. Milvetmac

    Dealer trans flush!

    i would love to see this truck get to the 400k mark without having to rebuild the whole thing. If anything kills the truck though it’ll honestly be the electrical system before the mechanics of it imo.
  12. Milvetmac

    Dealer trans flush!

    To each their own, I didn’t want to pull the trans out again and there was too many conflicting arguments over the fluids so in the “better safe than sorry” Logic I went factory to alleviate any issue. Re: temp-I drive about 2-250 miles a day, before the service I would sit at 202deg after 40...
  13. Milvetmac

    Rear end clunk

    I replaced them and have not had the problem since, I do think the severity had something to do with the fluid as well... the diff service was a while back and I don’t think the correct fluid was used, put the mopar fluid back in with an overhaul kit and re used the factory gears
  14. Milvetmac

    Dealer trans flush!

    If I may, I would not recommend using any other fluid in the 8hp70 trans... blow the extra money on the mopar fluid and avoid any issues! The pan comes with the filter in the package so you can hold off on purchasing a separate one unless you are referring to a remote filter unit? Dealers are...
  15. Milvetmac

    Banks derringer +1.8

    Anybody have the derringer installed? Are you happy with the purchase? I have one in the way with the intake... hoping I spent my money in the right place 😅
  16. Milvetmac

    Replacing filters

    I replace my oil and fuel filter every 5k and I run an AEM dry filter and clean regardless of how it looks every 8k... it’sa cheap price to pay imo for reliability. I also run XDP fuel additive every fill and XDP oil additive every oil change. I run AEM’s oil filter and k&n’s fuel filter...
  17. Milvetmac

    Coolant Leaking

    Check the turbo coolant inlet line under the intake, unfortunately you can’t exactly see it without a bore scope weaseling in the crannies but if you have the time and our money to all of it out, clean it and replace the line. It’s almost 300$ just for the line but imo it’s worth doing well...
  18. Milvetmac

    Trans “mod”

    If you need to re align the torque converter after trans re install this made it soooo much easier... is it proper? Probably not, but it worked for me! And I just plugged it with a high temp silicone and body plug
  19. Milvetmac

    Mac from commiefornia,...

    Thank you, I’ve been trying to get this pig back into the confident side of the spectrum after quite a few set backs. A big thanks to XDP for their military discount so these repairs don’t hurt so bad
  20. Milvetmac

    Rear end clunk

    After pulling the rear end apart 3 times I finally found the spider gears to have a very small amount of play causing an intermittent kick in the butt on acceleration from a stop.