If I had to do it over I would go with the 2, I bought the CTS 3 thinking that since the 2 would force a REGEN that the 3 would too since it's a step up. It may be there, but I haven't found it. I don't think either one actually "supports" the ECO. The CTS 2 will have fewer gauges available than...
They're pretty close in functionality, the scangage will have some binary programming that will need done, it's all available online but has to be input into the scangage, it will tell you The critical EGT'S and SOOTMASS, and regen on or off. Scangage was originally an economy gauge, you will...
I highly recommend an add on gauge package, EDGE CTS 2 or 3, or SCANGAGE, I've used both and prefer the EDGE. I'm considering selling the SCANGAGE. I'd also strongly recommend ALFAOBD & a DONGLE for it, it allow for a forced REGEN if needed. I also run an SFT stg 1 tune, & my EDGE reads SOOT...
I don't know about GDE & HD DIESEL, but I have SFT STAGE 1 and average around 225 to over 300 sometimes. Get ALFAOBD & a DIAGNOSTIC DONGLE and you can do stationary regens on your schedule. I think my EDGE CTS 3 is showing 225 miles between right now, SFT STAGE 1, everything intact with EGR...
John, just curious if you've noticed what your exhaust smells like. Mine with the current mixture I'm running(about 60/40water/DEF) I detect a chlorine bleach mixture kind of odor.
@Mesatoneman>From everything I can figure out, yes, but it also seems to depend on the model year, but I'm not completely sure. According to some, there may not be a sensor on 14-16 models, 17 on do, supposedly. My factory manual shows a sensor on all of them, so it's confusing. I'm running a...
Stage 1 will shut off the EGR and you can leave it on the engine OR remove it. GDE tunes are EPA COMPLIANT, so all emissions equipment is intact and operable.
I also have a 17, SFT stage 1 with the rally trans tune. My truck had 14,343miles on December 30 2019 when I bought it, it's got 10 miles now before it turns 35,000, I'm running a diluted DEF, about 60% distilled water & it's great, I think it can go to as low as about 80% water. I've been real...
HD DIESEL in Canada may offer the whole works, I don't think any us companies offering it. Only 3 reasons to leave it in place first is warranty, second is state emissions testing and third is that you won't be able to use it as a trade in should the need arise.
What was the code, what did it tell you? That plastic "plug" was the first thing I eliminated, I ordered an aluminum fuel cap from AMAZON for about 8 bucks or so.
Since about the middle of October 2020, I found distilled water in the baby section at WALMART one day, a buck a gallon, I was planning on getting or building a distiller, but for a buck I don't even wanna think about it.
I put 4 gallons of DS in & it filled the DEF TANK, I later added another gallon of water, I'll probably add another gallon of DS soon and the add some DEF, I wanna get enough empty jugs to mix the way I want, maybe around 75 % DS. I'm the one that said 50/50. I'm in southwestern Arizona, we...
I'm running on about 50/50 DEF & distilled water, I'm gonna try leaning out the DEF even more, I've read that 10% will work. My oil looks much cleaner too.