When engine fires occur the fire itself destroys the cause unless experts investigate the cause its a guess , the expense is enormous until unfortunately someone is killed be the fire the investigation necessary to find the cause is unlikely
Its way to common.
I will guess 1st the sound foam...
I opted to wait and see what the New 3.0 has to offer. This is My Email to FCA rep on the 2019 Hemi 5.7 limited Vs 2015 Laramie Loaded VM 3.0.
Before you read the comment I bleed Diesel fuel.
Yep, Yesterday I took the Pulling Motor I have at the Shop in Blaine to Marshfield WI Shop 190 miles...
Since were telling Stories, I believe the recovery, No way on that Mileage! unless, something was wrong, cooked, or mistaken, or 1 time event and is NOT the Avg MPG.
Yep.. the DEF Injector code has left Many stranded...Actual event Rick was fishing in CA when the DEF injector code pop X miles before MAX speed of 35MPH, You can't drive 35MPH for 600 Miles, Ended up Renting vehicle driving Home...The Selling Dealer Paid for the rental and employee to go Back...
During summer months Retail Biodiesel is the best fuel to use. Different States have different requirements, MN has 10% mandatory Biodiesel May/Oct. Winter Months Biodiesel becomes problematic , MN Drops Biodiesel to 3% NOV/March and requires it to be -30.
Ecoburn Ram offering some Deals I've Never seen before....Not likely to happen again anytime soon some will be ending in 10-14 days look into it, I was able to pay $50,100.00 plus some other CORP Dis and Trade in $$$$$. this is the sticker, Ram will be taking Orders on the New 2020 Eco 3.0 at...
My wife was reading Up on Eco problems, I was shocked that She even care about the Eco, I own a whole bunch of trucks and she said leave it outside, I don't like in the Garage. The Clock was ticking after that comment, let Me tell Ya. I've been hanging on to it for some time Just waiting for...
Unlikely it was dusted with Factory filter in use. it will throw codes WAAAAAAAY before that happens (Intake), and the turbo will self-destruct, now that being said if the filter seal failed in dusty environments yes it happens.